AM Procedures:
- Vehicles must pull up all the way to the stop sign and form two lines. Do not leave spaces between vehicles.
- We must utilize all space in carpool that is available.
- Students may exit the vehicle at 7:00am.
- Do not drop students off prior to this time. Also, please be mindful of students in other vehicles unloading.
- All students must be in 1st or 5th hour by 7:30am. Plan your time accordingly.
PM Procedures:
- Vehicles must pull up all the way to the stop sign and form two lines. Do not leave spaces between vehicles. We must utilize all space in carpool that is available.
- Once we release at 2:40 administrators will be available to assist students to find the student’s vehicle.
- Once all vehicles are loaded, vehicles that have not been loaded will go back around and enter the end of the carpool line.
- Please help us keep the flow moving by kindly following this procedure.
​​​​​​​Suggestion: If your student has a distance to get to carpool from their last class, consider coming later than 2:40.